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Eric Welch 

CSO/ Strategy

Eric is a follower of Jesus, husband to Donna, father of three, innovator, and collaborator for God’s glory and the well-being of society.

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Eric received Jesus as Savior and Lord as a kid and has been learning and sharing ever since. He felt called to serve God in the corporate world and began his career developing minimally invasive medical devices. After working on multiple devices for multiple medical specialties, he proposed and led a corporate-wide R&D innovation strategy and knowledge management initiative for Boston Scientific. During this same time, Eric was tracking some alarming trends related to the decline of faith values in the US. It made no sense. How could a country so blessed by God, with so many people of good will, be in spiritual decline? In 2006, after many prayers, Eric felt led to embark on a quest to uncover the reason for this decline, apply his collaborative experience, and join with as many others as possible to work toward reversing this trend.

Eric’s journey led him to serve as National Facilitator of Ministry Networks for Mission America Coalition (US Lausanne) and as Partnering Catalyst for Cru, where he learned that the Body of Christ is much more connected that most people know, nationally and in cities. It was during this time that Eric began to recognize a major deficiency within the Christian community in America, which is that most Christians have a major disconnect between their faith life and work life.  While every Christian should see 100% of their work as work for God, most don’t. The good news is that millions do, and God is using these people to reach others who don’t.


This recognition led Eric to develop multiple collaborations, including among major workplace and marketplace ministries in the US, among leaders in 40+ cities, and the founding of the National Faith & Work Association. In 2014, Eric began to work with the Institute for Faith, Work & Economics to help shift paradigms around faith, work, freedom, and human flourishing. During this time, Eric began to see that Christian-owned businesses are major catalysts in God’s big picture of freedom and human flourishing. In 2016, he was asked to help develop a new coalition of Christian-owned businesses, called Christian Employers Alliance. During this time, the Alliance grew, made many partnerships, and launched a health insurance company.

In 2021, Eric joined the Colson Center for Christian Worldview as Director of Strategic Alliances, where he works with partners to advance the Colson Center's mission of helping Christians serve God with clarity, confidence, and courage.

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